Capstone Exploration Reflection


Attend the capstones on Dec. 9, sometime between 4-8 p.m. Interview at least one captsone presentor. Ask the following questions:

Alex Nicholson

  1. What has this week been like for you?
    i planned this out so this week would be easy. the one before it not so much
  2. If you could change anything in how you did your capstone, what would it be?
     i’d like to have gotten more edits done, and brought a lighting kit with us. both were near impossible though.
  3. How close is the final outcome to what you originally thought it would be?
    we didn’t really have an idea, we just wanted to get as many videos done as possible.
  4. If you had one more month to work on the project what would you do?
    keep on keepin’ on with the edits.
  5. What advice do you have for me about working on my capstone?
    plan it out. get as much work done early on as you can. don’t let anything wait for the last minute, and make sure you check all of the tiny details.

Record your questions and answers to your blog. Also include on your blog a reflection of how this semester has helped you form your approach to the capstone.

  1. Address the efficacy of the approach we took in this class.
    Well, without this class, I would’ve been completely lost about capstone.
  2. Discuss whether or not the breakdown of the project development was advantageous.
    I think it was helpful to me because I had no idea how to break down a capstone. I sort of liked my idea and it was sort of a half assed one, but through the assignments I helped develop my idea further.
  3. Discuss the advanges and/or disadvantages of the student guest speakers for forming your own approach to capstone.
    Thought it would’ve been better if there was a guest speaker from each “track” so there was variety. Don’t remember a web student presenting.
  4. Were there any assignments that you thought were particularly helpful? Please elaborate.
    Getting into groups and discussing/bouncing ideas off of other people was very helpful. I got some insight into how people viewed my project and how they didn’t understand what I was trying to do.
  5. Were there any assignments that you thought were particularly useless? Please elaborate.
    I think Beth knows this, but it would probably be better if we sent out the capstone mentor questionnaire out as a class and got responses as a class. I feel like a few of the professors got a little upset when they got 40 emails with the same questions.

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