Project Development Issues


For time management, I see having the same issues as any other senior with senioritis. There are going to be days when I just really don’t want to do any work on it and other days where I work nonstop. I feel like I’ll need to schedule work time into my Google Calendar to make sure I work on it.

Development issues as far as skills go would definitely be Javascript. After sitting down and really thinking about my capstone, I realized there’s going to be a LOT of Javascript. I know enough about Javascript to probably break something, but not enough to code my website without help.

As far as resources, Todd Shelton already gave me a suggestion to join the Indy Javascript meetings that are held at ExactTarget and also said if I need any other help that he knows alumni from the school who are great and would probably love to help.

Budget shouldn’t be an issue. Gas to and from meetings seems to be about the only thing I can think of.

Team issues would probably be finding a meeting time.

Can’t think of any other issues.

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