Day Fifteen: Tuesday


On Tuesday a group of us woke up early to go interview a farmer who was just outside of Parikia. He was a younger (than average) farmer who grows everything organically without pesticides. His family wasn’t into farming (I don’t think) and he just liked it and got into it and has been pretty successful. A lot of the people we interview seem pretty appreciative and grateful for what we’re doing so they’ve given us gifts or food. The farmer picked cucumbers right before we shot his interview and then afterwards he cut them for us to eat. Since he grows grapes for wine, he gave us wine and also suma (which is made from the grape leftovers, I guess).
I might have mentioned this before, but it’s so weird how organic at home is normal here.
Our second interview was with another farmer/metalsmith (well farmer first, metalsmith second). He had a traditional farm house in Kostos and it was really great to see something so “old school.” I think everything was grown organically there as well. After the interview, he gave us bread, cheese, tomato, capers, and dried figs. Everything he gave us was from his farm, except the cheese was from his friend. He studied music and had an oud and played some traditional Greek music as well as Middle Eastern music.

Another meeting at the Aegean and then right after we left for Naoussa. We shot the European Music Day ( Since I (and Kelly) had been out in the sun all day, we didn’t feel so hot standing in the sun again and filming more. Kellie took us back to the complex and I worked on the icons for the virtual tour a little more (as well as updating this and Facebook).

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