Day Thirteen: Sunday


Sunday is the last day of our free weekend. I woke up and woke Christin up and took her running. Half training fail: I didn’t do my third 30 minute run on Friday. Then I only did a 30 minute run today. I’ll survive. But since it was a short run, I’m going to run tomorrow.
After getting back, Christin and I ate breakfast then went to shower. After showering, Kelly and I laid out by the pool for about an hour and half then finished packing. We walked into Oia to the bus stop and got into Fira. We stopped at the first restaurant closest to the bus stop. Mama’s House. Has to be good, right? We almost left and I felt kind of embarrassed because the server wanted us to leave our bags outside by the wall and have us eat outside in this garden area and he was met with a loud protest by one of our group members basically interrupting lunch conversations which resulted in stares. Yeah, not cool.
We met Mama. Fire cracker. Hilarious. Loved her. I’ve never met someone like that, ever. She treated us like her children. Mama talked like a trucker. She told us that when she was 13 she worked at a diner in the early AM shift in Los Angeles. She didn’t know very much English and her boss would say things like “those son of a bitches..” so that’s how she learned English. We wanted a picture with her and when her waiter went to take it she said “Safe sex everybody!”
We told her about the virtual tour on Paros and how it was our last day in Santorini. She was leaving when we were finishing our amazing meals and told us to have a great time. She called Christin “Cleopatra” and Kelly “Blondie” but our group nickname was “sex bombs.” We’re going to leave her restaurant amazing reviews on Google and TripAdvisor.
Christin and I headed into the Fira shops after we finished eating while the rest of our group stayed behind and watched luggage and finished eating. I wanted to find this shop with these bracelets that had symbols. Unfortunately, they were 40 euro. No good. We also saw Christin’s cage-dancer bartender from the night before but we luckily snuck past and made it without being noticed.
Back to Mama’s and we grabbed our luggage and got to the bus stop to get on the Athinios bus to get to the port. Packed full, we had to stand. Interesting again since we were standing on our hairpin turns down the mountain.
Our boat ride was pretty uneventful. I’m catching up by writing my blogs for you all to read. Finally started to read Jen Lencaster’s “Pretty Fat” on the way to Santorini and continued to read more on the way back. Took probably a 15 minute nap.
Kelly picked us up from the ferry and brought us back to Lambis’. I had to do a confessional for the program. Just talked about feelings towards the program and the skills I’m using and how it’s going. Lambis caught more octopus and got lamb and that was our barbecue tonight. It was fun being back and seeing everyone and telling them stories from this weekend.

Gabriel and I had a “who can make this conversation more awkward” match and I’m pretty sure I won. I think it was a conversation about the way someone looked at him (in a negative way) and I said “Well you’re not ugly, but..” then he replied “Nice but.” I said “Thanks. But I’m going to feel a little awkward now when you walk behind me.”

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