Day Six: Sunday


On Sunday, we were invited to go to church. When we got there we were greeted by Greek woman who were offering food. Sweets, octopus, and Ouzo (the equivalent of moonshine or absinthe). I skipped on the octopus and Kathryn got some Ouzo so I tried a sip. I’m sure I was sitting straight up and my eyes wide open because that stuff is an entirely different category of liquor.
Apparently, what was supposed to happen was that the priest was supposed to take this statue and carry it from the church we were at through the town to another church. Kellie told us that the priest refused to do it for whatever reason. So the ceremony didn’t happen. The Greek women gave us all these little blue gift bags with a poster of the “must-sees” in Parikia, a slice of bread, and a big evil eye pendant.

Afterwards, I came home and swam and relaxed. Lambis was out in the water trying to catch octopus for our barbecue later. The water was warmer than it had been. A few of us also went searching for some of the orange shells that the jeweler told us about but had no luck.
Every Sunday we’re having a barbecue. Lambis caught squid in the morning so it was super fresh. He made pork sausage again and also got chicken from a friend of his. It was free range, natural chicken. Basically what we would call organic in the US. Everything was amazing. We actually had so much chicken we got to take leftovers back to the apartment. The sunset was beautiful. As always.

My sunburn from the boat has not been pleasant. It’s started to blister a little and I’m trying to take care of it. I’ve been told I have to wear a t-shirt Tuesday for sailing. Kind of sad, but it’s for the best.

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